Who We Are

We bring clarity, inspiring companies to keep growing using engaging, efficient solutions.


Why We Do What We Do

  • Unconventional HR that makes businesses more profitable, efficient and keeps people engaged.

  • To be the outsourced HR solution for companies seeking growth, profitability and people engagement.

  • Expect quality, value and satisfaction when you partner with Neoterik HR Solutions.

    Excellence: Like the craftsman who spends hours chiseling off imperfections, we are thorough and meticulous. We give our best, create the best and take the best out of each experience. Quality is our standard. Always.

    Relationship: Our focus is People. We value people, so we are intentional about the relationships we build and nurture. We’re always listening, learning and growing. And we are genuine.

    Integrity: Integrity to us means saying, doing and being true no matter what. We are honest, we are accountable, and we are trustworthy.

    Efficiency: We research, we explore, and we create clear, sensible goals that make operations productive and fulfilling. We bring happy to the business of people.


Nini Obiaga


Nini Obiaga BSc. CPHR, founded Neoterik HR Solutions during her corporate HR career. With an educational background in Project Management, HR Management and close to two decades of experience in various industries, she understands the inner workings of people operations.

She is passionate about helping businesses succeed through People Operations and creating modern, customized solutions that keep clients and their teams happy.

Nini is a results-oriented professional and her direct, yet personable style makes her your business’s trusted ally.



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